This time it's some nasty gotchas, some of them common, some of them obscure, that the C# compiler may or may not catch for you. The intended purpose of the code is described in the comments, you can try to figure out what goes wrong.
// replace A with B
var mystr = Console.ReadLine();
mystr.Replace("A", "B");
// has more than 1 second elapsed since last time?
var do_it_again = (DateTime.Now - last_time).Seconds > 1;
// replace sequences of vowels with "VOWELS"
words = Regex.Replace(words, "\b[aoeiu]+\b", "VOWELS");
// print out a matrix
for(var ii = 0; ii < rows; ++ii) {
for(var jj = 0; jj < columns; ++ii) {
Console.Write("{0} ", matrix[ii,jj]);
// rethrow exception
var can_recover = false;
try {
DoStuff(ref can_recover);
catch(ApplicationException ex) {
if(!can_recover) {
throw ex;
// spinwait for 100 ticks
long now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
while((DateTime.Now.Ticks - now).Ticks < 100);
// get a datestamp
// add items to work queue for processing
var list = GetDbValues();
lock(work_queue) {
for(var ii = 0; ii < list.Count; ++ii)
work_queue.Add(() => Process(list[ii]));
// run an action after 60 seconds
var timer = System.Timers.Timer(60.0);
timer.Elapsed += (_sender, _args) => Console.WriteLine("60 seconds have elapsed!");
// let's try again
var timer = System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
timer.Interval = my_interval;
timer.Tick += (_sender, _args) => Console.WriteLine("Time's up!");
// remove unwanted elements from a collection
foreach(var elem in list) {
if(ComplicatedLogic(elem)) {
// hash the contents of a dictionary
public long HashDict(Dictionary dict) {
long ret = 0;
unchecked {
foreach(var kvp in dict) {
ret += kvp.Key.GetHashCode() * kvp.Value;
ret << 1;
return ret;
// raise event
public event EventHandler StateChanged;
void OnStateChanged() {
StateChanged(this, new EventArgs());
// did it work?
bool worked = DidItWork();
if(worked = true) {
else {
// let's make a simple struct
public struct MyStruct
int field1;
bool field2;
public override bool Equals(MyStruct struct2) {
return field1 == struct2.field1 &&
field2 == struct2.field2;
// ok, let's try with a class
public class MyClass
public int field1;
public bool field2;
public int GetHashCode() {
return field1;
public override bool Equals(MyClass obj2) {
return field1 == obj2.field1 &&
field2 == obj2.field2;
// last try
public class MyClass
public readonly int field1;
public readonly bool field2;
public int GetHashCode() {
return field1;
public override bool Equals(MyClass obj2) {
return field1 == obj2.field1 &&
field2 == obj2.field2;
// order by item1, then by item2
var ordered = from x in enumerable
orderby x.Item1
orderby x.Item2
select x;
// simple assignment
class Class
public Struct Struct { get; private set; }
struct Struct
public int field;
var obj = new Class();
obj.Struct.field = 5;
// find intersection between two users
int customerID = 12345;
var productsForFirstCustomer = from o in Orders
where o.CustomerID = customerID
select o.ProductID;
// change customer ID and compose another query...
customerID = 56789;
var productsForSecondCustomer = from o in Orders
where o.CustomerID = customerID
select o.ProductID;
if( productsForFirstCustomer.Any( productsForSecondCustomer ) )
// start a new worker thread after some time
void MyThreadMethod(object data) {
var start_after = 100.0 + (double)data;
var thread_number = 10;
Thread.Start(MyThreadMethod, thread_number);
// set sender's text to default
(sender as TextBox).Text = default_text;
// simple time formatting
Console.WriteLine("{0:уууу-ММ-dd}", DateTime.Today);
// using a default format string
public void Print(object obj) {
const string default_format = "<{0}>";
Print(default_format, obj);
public void Print(string str, params object[] objs) {
Console.WriteLine(str, objs);
// read file 10 lines at a time
public IEnumerator ReadLines(string file) {
using(var sr = new StringReader(file))
yield return sr.ReadLine();
public bool Print10(IEnumerator enm) {
for(var ii = 0; ii < 10; ++ii) {
return false;
return true;
var enm = ReadLines("input.txt");
while(true) {
if(Console.Read() != 'y' &&
Console.Read() != 'Y')
// do something if conditions are met
if(SomethingIsTheCase() && IFeelLikeIt() && TheTimeIsRight(() => { return DateTime.Now.AddDays(10); })); {
// parse a datestamp
var date = dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
var day = int.Parse(date.Split('/')[0]);
// apply rotation transform
// mygraphics is
// modify a list
struct Point { public int x; public int y;}
List mypoints = ...;
mypoints[i].x = 10;
// write files then delete them
var files = Enumerable.Range(0, 5)
.Select(i => Path.GetTempFileName());
foreach (var file in files)
File.WriteAllText(file, "HELLO WORLD!");
/* ... many lines of codes later ... */
foreach (var file in files)
// tracing logic
private void DumpError(Exception exception, Stack context)
if (context.Any())
this.DumpError(exception, context);
// run an action after 60 seconds
private void Schedule(Action action)
new System.Threading.Timer(state => action, null, 60000, Timeout.Infinite);
// a serializable class
class Hello
readonly object accountsLock = new object();
// open a file
using(var sw = new StreamWriter("resources\temp\textfile.txt")) {
// unit test
static IEnumerable CapitalLetters(string input)
if (input == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(input);
foreach (char c in input)
yield return char.ToUpper(c);
// spinwait for 100 ticks
long now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
while((DateTime.Now.Ticks - now).Ticks < 100);
// Test that null input is handled correctly
// just a property
private int myVar;
public int MyVar
get { return MyVar; }
// get a path
var prefix = "C:\\MyFolder\\MySubFolder";
var suffix = "\\log\\";
var path = Path.Combine(prefix, suffix);
// vips = gold clients + some silver ones
Collection silver_clients = GetClientsVips(ClientStatus.Silver);
Collection gold_clients = GetClientsVips(ClientStatus.Silver)
Collection vips = new Collection(gold_clients);
foreach(var client in silver_clients) {
if(ClientMatchesVipRequirements(client)) {
- my own experience
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